The NSW Government has passed new legislation strengthening consumer protections that will reduce negative outcomes for people who participate in online wagering.
The Racing and Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 2022 is part of the NSW Government’s harm minimisation strategy and supports a competitive and sustainable racing industry in NSW.
Problem gambling is a serious issue that can cause serious mental health issues and tear families apart. This Act is aimed at protecting communities from the risks associated with online gambling while supporting a competitive and sustainable racing industry in NSW.
The amendments to the Betting and Racing Act 1998 facilitate the final three measures of the National Consumer Protection Framework:
mandatory staff training requirements
a consistent gambling message for use in industry advertising nationwide
consistent activity statement requirements.
These measures will work to establish a culture of compliance and responsible gambling among the state’s online wagering providers.
These new measures will be implemented in coming months in line with commencement in the other States and Territories. Strict penalties will apply to Betting Service Providers that breach their obligations.
This Act strengthens the NSW racing industry by:
enhancing governance, integrity and consultation frameworks for the NSW harness racing industry;
establishing a new avenue of appeal for harness racing participants; and
providing legislative clarity to the controlling bodies for harness and greyhound racing to guide decision makers and those exercising legislative functions.
The new mandatory message will be…
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